Sept 15, 2023

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The Antwerp region hosts a large and dynamic bioinformatics and biomedical informatics research community. Biomina acts as an umbrella for the involved research groups. Biomina represents their common interests to internal and externals stakeholders and nurtures the further growth of the regional community.

The involved research groups research have a broad range of research interests, from the development of new computational algorithms to the application of new digital health technology. Biomina often acts as a catalyzer to generate and nurture new, innovative ideas across scientific disciplines.

Thanks to its extensive past collaborations biomina has developed a horizontal thinking attitude that allows to quickly tackle new data challenges in any biomedical area in a results oriented, pragmatic approach. Biomina welcomes any interested party with an interesting research question to sit together, discuss and brainstorm what is possible.

Many of such interactions have led to successful research collaborations, with approved joint grant applications and joint publications.

These groups are very open towards initiating new research collaborations with partners within and outside the involved institutes. Some of the research institutes we successfully collaborated with in the recent years:

We have many past and ongoing collaborations with small and big industrial (biotech, pharma) players.

Our research has been funded through through the years with a combination of University funding (BOF, IOF, ...), National funding (FWO, VLAIO, ...) and international funding agencies (EU, …), and a diverse number of other funding sources.